Since 2001 the Turkish Air Force has hosted a military exercise known as Anatolian Eagle (AE). There are both national and international exercises held. The international exercises usually involve air arms of the United States, other NATO forces, and Asian countries.
Anatolian Eagle 15/2 involved air forces from 6 countries including Turkey, United Kingdom, United States of America, Pakistan, Spain, Germany plus Nato participation.
With thanks to the Turkish Air Force public relations team a number of people from the media and general enthusiasts were invited onto the base at Konya to document the aircraft taking off and recovering.

Anatolian Eagle 2015/2, Konya AFB, Turkey

The Anatolian Eagle exercises are stated to be similar to the USA's Red Flag exercise in that they simulate a war-time environment and the difficulty level increases from easy to very hard.
Training exercises are planned, monitored and analyzed in the 'White Headquarters' building. Exercises consist of scenarios whereby a "Blue Team" will attack tactical and strategic targets in a "Red Land" during Combined Air Operations (COMAO). The Red Land is defended by opposing combat aircraft and surface-to-air missile systems.
Airspace for Anatolian Eagle is 200 nm from east to west and 150 nm from north to south. The main operations airspace, also known as the Salt Area, can be used from ground level up to 50,000 feet. During the exercises, AWACS aircraft give command and control support to Blue Forces and a land-based radar gives GCI support to the Red Forces. Air-to-air refueling tankers refuel aircraft of both forces.
Upon completion of exercises crews are de-briefed so that any deficiencies of the participants in terms of knowledge and abilities can be highlighted, and the lessons learnt applied to future missions.